Migraine & TMJ Relief

Do you suffer from any of the following: sinus pain, headaches, migraines, neck stiffness and pain, sensitive teeth, sensitive or ringing ears, jaw pain, or even unsuccessful chiropractic treatment for neck pain or headaches? The FDA has cleared for marketing for the first time, a device that prevents medically diagnosed migraine pain, tension-type headache, and jaw disorders (“TMJ”), without drugs or surgery, through the reduction of muscular activity.

It is called the NTI Tension Suppression System, and we offer it at our office. Be one of over 1/2 million people world-wide who have been successfully helped by the NTI device.


NTI Tension Suppression System

The FDA has cleared for marketing for the first time, a device that prevents medically diagnosed migraine pain, tension-type headache, and jaw disorders (“TMJ”), without drugs or surgery, through the reduction of trigeminally innervated muscular activity.

Migraine Prevention — Headache Prevention

The N.T.I. Tension Suppression System is a prefabricated polycarbonate matrix that a dental practitioner retro-fits to the patient’s teeth . It is completely different from any other type of mouthpiece. Here’s the rationale.


Chronic symptoms of the head and neck can often be attributed to:

A) Headache — the temporalis muscle (it closes and clenches the jaw)

B) Sinus pressure and pain — the lateral pterygoid muscles (it moves the jaw side to side and/or forward)

C) Neck stiffness and pain — trapezius muscle (it stabilizes the skull during jaw clenching and grinding)

 4w3w34r34  Contraction of the lateral pterygoid (B, above) simply moves the jaw sideways (or if both contract, front wards). If the temporalis (A, above) contracts simultaneously (clenching), the intensity of the temporalis contraction dictates the degree of resistance the lateral pterygoids encounter when they attempt to move the jaw sideways (grinding). As temporalis contraction intensity increases, the lateral pterygoids must work harder, creating symptoms where the lateral pterygoid muscle is attached: at the jaw joint and sinuses. This conflicting and/or isometric contracting of the musculature (called “parafunction”, which occurs during sleep with considerable intensities) obligates the trapezius (across your upper back and shoulders and attaches at the base of the skull, C, above) to maintain a tightened posture, thereby causing stiff and sore shoulders and/or neck.
